понедельник, 4 февраля 2008 г.

eureka! back at last .....4th feb'08

wow what a weekend!! friday night was brill decided to go to town just to keep the girls company and the fact that the rally was on and there were about 30,000 extra people in town for the weekend .... that and the fact i found the last bottle (of vodka) from the last village etc.. so i needed company to drink it!!

i was good i did not stray off my diet except to consume the vodka which has no calories (there is a god after all!) plus i danced the night a way with a wee michael from the wee north who wasn't so wee at all!!
oh my god someone finally noticed and uttered the magic words ' have you lost weight' (music to my ears!!)
anyway next day i did break out at dinner time and had lasagne and baked potatoes but i did an extra walk plus all the dancing the previous night so i reckon i'm ok ... it was worth it anyway!
sunday i had the usual grapefruit juice followed by scrambled eggs for breakfast, fruit salad for lunch and scallops with salad for dinner all followed by the usual herbal tea
today monday, i read an article in the paper most people who start diets after chrismas fall by the wayside by the 13th jan ... so we've done really well .. you more than me.. well done!
anyway this morning had the ol' juice followed by mango and pineapple salad ..yum! lunch was lemon jelly and fromage frais, plus carrot sticks dipped in melted brie and followed by tea, tonight for dinner chicken salad with apples and pecan nuts followed by tea and then torture ... boxing!!
'till tomorrow ... happy slimming ... that celery root still looks revolting!

1 комментарий:

Cyrill KALITA комментирует...

I just do not believe it!
You have seen the Wee Michael! Lucky darling you are!

Anyway, keep on the diet as we all are!

Goran is to join us as soon as he finds out how to post - which you can totally do by email! - and the results are to be pulished in two days!

I have heard the right words too :)
But I hope to hear more :)